Recent Google-Cloud Posts from Tech Monger:///feeds/google-cloud/2019-12-06T17:52:58.536626ZWerkzeugSOLVED : Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory Monger<p class="lead">
If you have setup key based authentication between two different servers for SSH or SFTP then you might face issues while initiating SSH connection. Below we will see how to solve these issues by considering different failure vectors. We assume that you have already setup <code>authorized_keys</code> based keyless ssh login.
Script to Recover Web Application After Crash Monger<p class="lead">
So you have web application running in production but it goes down unexpectedly and you get midnight calls to take up application. In this post we will build simple script that will recover web application after server crash due to over resource utilization.
Apache Configuration - Lets Encrypt SSL Certficates Monger<p class="lead">
If you have <a href="/48/free-ssl-wordpress/" title="Lets Encrypt - Free HTTPS Certificate For Website">installed letsencrypt ssl certficate via cerbot client</a> on apache webserver then certbot program must have made configuration changes on your apache webserver.
Wordpress - Free Letsencrypt SSL Certficate Monger<p class="lead">
In this tutorial we will enable <code>https</code> on wordpress site. We will install letsencrypt ssl certificate using <abbr title="Electronic Frontier Foundation"> EFF</abbr>'s Certbot client. We will perform installation on <a href="/47/wordpress-google-cloud/" title="Free Wordpress Hosting on Google Cloud">wordpress vm hosted on google cloud</a>. However you can follow the same steps for your self hosted wordpress setup.
Host Wordpress on Google Cloud for Free Monger<p class="lead">
In this article we will teach you on how to setup Wordpress on google cloud's f1 compute instance. F1 Instance will provide 744 free hours per month which is equivalent to free hosting. If you have google cloud credits then you can utilize those as well. You can also avail this free tire limit to <a href="/45/static-webiste-google-cloud/" title="Free Static Website on Google F1 Compute Instance">host static website on google cloud</a>.
Let's Encrypt - Free SSL Certificate for Google Cloud VM Monger<p class="lead">
In this tutorial we will make use of free ssl certificate provided by Lets Encrypt to make website secure by enabling <code>HTTPS</code>. We will install certificate provided by lets encrypt using <abbr title="Electronic Frontier Foundation">EFF</abbr>'s certbot client.
Host Static Website on Google Cloud for Free Monger<p class="lead">
In this tutorial we will publish static website on google cloud for free. We will use f1 micro instance on google compute engine to get free hosting. Google provides 744 free hours per month for the f1 compute engine instance which will be same as one month of free hosting. We assume that you have working google account and have signed up for google cloud. Please follow these steps to host your static site on Google VM.
Setup SFTP with Google Cloud Monger<p class="lead">
In this article we will configure <abbr title="Secure File Transfer Protocol">SFTP</abbr> connectivity between local linux machine and google cloud vm. However steps will be same for any other operating system like windows, mac etc. This article builds upon previous tutorial where we have established <a href="/43/ssh-google-vm/" title="Google Cloud - Key Based SSH Configuration">ssh connectivity between local machine and google cloud vm</a>. It is prerequisite to first establish ssh connection and then follow this tutorial.
Public Key - SSH Google Cloud VM from Linux Monger<p class="lead">
If you have spun Linux compute engine instance on google cloud and want to connect it from some other linux machine then you can do it by configuring your public key with google cloud vm. In this article we will learn how to setup public key based ssh connection with your google compute instance and connect it using remote ubuntu machine.