Recent Lets-Encrypt Posts from Tech Monger :///feeds/lets-encrypt/ 2018-08-25T17:43:22.736552Z Werkzeug Apache Configuration - Lets Encrypt SSL Certficates 2018-08-25T17:37:12.906153Z 2018-08-24T16:49:09.854892Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you have <a href="/48/free-ssl-wordpress/" title="Lets Encrypt - Free HTTPS Certificate For Website">installed letsencrypt ssl certficate via cerbot client</a> on apache webserver then certbot program must have made configuration changes on your apache webserver. How to Auto Renew Let's Encrypt Certificates 2018-08-24T16:27:10.332985Z 2018-08-24T15:37:43.153794Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you have ever <a href="/48/free-ssl-wordpress/" title="Lets Encrypt Free SSL on Apache (Wordpress)">setup free ssl certificates provided by let's encrypt</a> for your site then it is of utmost importance to auto renew certificates or else visitors will get greeted with nasty ssl security exception error. Let's encrypt SSL certificates will get expired after <strong>90 Days</strong> of installation and you must renew it before it get expired. If you have installed certificates using certbot then it must have already created cronjob to auto renew certificates. For custom installation you can create similar cronjob too. Lets learn how certbot's auto renew job works.<p/> Wordpress - Free Letsencrypt SSL Certficate 2018-08-25T17:40:16.171899Z 2018-08-23T11:59:12.912040Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In this tutorial we will enable <code>https</code> on wordpress site. We will install letsencrypt ssl certificate using <abbr title="Electronic Frontier Foundation"> EFF</abbr>'s Certbot client. We will perform installation on <a href="/47/wordpress-google-cloud/" title="Free Wordpress Hosting on Google Cloud">wordpress vm hosted on google cloud</a>. However you can follow the same steps for your self hosted wordpress setup. Let's Encrypt - Free SSL Certificate for Google Cloud VM 2018-08-25T17:43:22.736552Z 2018-08-19T20:32:04.820019Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In this tutorial we will make use of free ssl certificate provided by Lets Encrypt to make website secure by enabling <code>HTTPS</code>. We will install certificate provided by lets encrypt using <abbr title="Electronic Frontier Foundation">EFF</abbr>'s certbot client.