Recent Linux Posts from Tech Monger :///feeds/linux/ 2021-04-30T17:47:40.093035Z Werkzeug Executable But Not Readable Script - Linux 2021-04-30T17:47:40.093035Z 2021-04-30T17:20:15.805314Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">Many time you want to allow other Linux users to execute your code but restrict them from reading or writing it. Below we will show you unix trick where you can make binary file <em>non readable to users but allow execution</em> by adding <code>setuid</code> to your file.</p> Generate Executable Binary From Python Program - Pyinstaller 2021-04-30T17:03:17.691104Z 2021-04-30T14:40:21.328054Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> As a python developer you might want to ship your code to other platforms where python interpreter is not installed. In such event you would need to rely on the binary execution. You can use <code>pyinstaller</code> to achieve your aim; where you can convert your python code to executable binary. Amazon Redshift ODBC Connection Linux 2021-04-30T17:06:00.744922Z 2020-11-04T13:12:52.316376Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In this tutorial, we will download & Install ODBC driver for the Amazon Redshift Database in Redhat Linux. We will make ODBC entry which will help us connect to the AWS Redshift. RHEL Install GIT LFS Installation 2020-11-04T13:08:43.939390Z 2020-11-04T12:56:17.414803Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> <abbr title="GIT Large File System">GIT LFS</abbr> may not be shipped inside redhat <abbr title="Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux ">EPEL</abbr> repository. We will learn how to install it manually using rpm package from the official release page. Linux AWS Command Line Interface Installation 2020-11-03T17:53:50.426761Z 2020-11-02T16:52:13.370421Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> While working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) it is essential to have command line utility installed on the machine to perform the administration or development activities. Below we will find steps for the AWS CLI Installation on Linux. Postgres ODBC with Mutual SSL in Informatica 2020-11-02T17:50:04.895595Z 2020-07-01T14:36:42.511620Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">Encryption has become security norm and communicating with databases on insecure network should not be an exception to this norm. In this tutorial we will learn how to connect to postgres database using ODBC connection which is configured to use 2 way SSL connection.</p> SOLVED : Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory 2019-12-06T17:52:58.536626Z 2019-12-06T17:49:47.662642Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you have setup key based authentication between two different servers for SSH or SFTP then you might face issues while initiating SSH connection. Below we will see how to solve these issues by considering different failure vectors. We assume that you have already setup <code>authorized_keys</code> based keyless ssh login. Denodo VDP ODBC Driver Installation for Informatica 2020-11-02T17:50:30.830075Z 2019-08-31T11:14:56.806961Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In this article we will learn to install ODBC Driver for Denodo VDP database. We will use installed ODBC driver to establish connectivity between Informatica Powercenter Clients and Denodo Server. You can also use <a href="/72/informatica-postgres-odbc/" title="Posgres ODBC Connection For Informatica">postgres odbc drivers to connect to the regular denodo database</a>. How Password Hashing Works in Ubuntu Linux 2019-07-06T14:12:28.378608Z 2019-07-06T12:42:06.108035Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you ever wondered where and how user passwords are stored in linux file system then this post will answer most of your questions. Below we will discuss password hashing in ubuntu but many other linux distributions follow this pattern. Below read assumes that you have basic familiarity with hash function like md5 or sha-256. Script to Recover Web Application After Crash 2019-06-14T13:54:00.029529Z 2019-06-10T11:20:17.800411Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> So you have web application running in production but it goes down unexpectedly and you get midnight calls to take up application. In this post we will build simple script that will recover web application after server crash due to over resource utilization. Redis Remote Connection Configuration 2019-03-06T19:09:42.019114Z 2019-03-06T19:09:10.351904Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">If you want to access redis database from remote client or even server then you would need to configure redis to accept remote connection by binding server IP Address.</p>