Recent Raspberry-Pi Posts from Tech Monger:///feeds/raspberry-pi/2018-12-05T10:55:18.978671ZWerkzeugStandalone TOR Setup in Ubuntu and Debian Monger<p class="lead">
If you want to anonymize all the traffic from your machine then TOR browser is not solution. You would need to pass traffic via socks proxy with the help of the standalone version of the TOR. In this tutorial we will install the TOR system wide on Ubuntu. However same instructions would work for all debian based distribution such as Ubuntu, Raspbian etc. So if you want to use TOR over raspberry pi then follow this guide.
Install Redis without Root Monger<p class="lead">
If you want to install redis on Linux machine but do not have an administrative access (root access) then you can follow this installation guide. This setup will work on all linux distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, Debian, Raspbian etc. This will also work on Mac as it does not make use of packet managers for installation. If you are windows users then please check <a href="/35/install-redis-windows/" title="Setup Redis on Windows with non Admin access" >redis windows installation without admin access</a>.
Host web site from Home without Static IP Monger<p class="lead">
If you want to host web application from home computer or with raspberry pi then you can use free and open source software <a href="/20/httptunnel-working/" title="What is localtunnel and How it works">Localunnel</a>. Localtunnel is simple to use and works behind Network Address Translator (NAT) which means it does not require you to have Public IP. Nor it assumes you to have control over firewall configuration of router. In this tutorial we will demonstrate it by building simple python web application in <a href="/tag/flask/" title="Flask Tutorials">flask</a> and host it using Gunicorn. However if you have static website or dynamic web application running on Apache, NGNIX or Microsoft IIS locally then you can also follow along by directly jumping to the <a href="#expose" title="">exposing web app</a> section.
Install Localtunnel and Bypass Firewall in Ubuntu Monger<p class="lead">Locatunnel is a free and open source software to <a href="/22/rpi-web-app/" title="Deploy Web App From Home">expose local web server on the Internet</a>. The way in which localtunnel is designed so you can deploy web application from your home computer without public static IP address or firewall configuration.