Recent Redis Posts from Tech Monger :///feeds/redis/ 2019-03-06T19:12:24.760033Z Werkzeug Redis Remote Connection Configuration 2019-03-06T19:09:42.019114Z 2019-03-06T19:09:10.351904Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">If you want to access redis database from remote client or even server then you would need to configure redis to accept remote connection by binding server IP Address.</p> Password Based Authentication for Redis 2019-03-06T19:12:24.760033Z 2019-03-04T18:21:03.662040Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">By default redis server does not require password for connection but it allows configuration to <a href="/71/remote-connection/" title="Redis Remote Connection">accepts remote connections</a> which is potential security risk. If your redis server accept connections from remote client then it is of <em>utmost importance</em> to have password based authentication configured for your redis instance. Below we will check the configuration changes required to set password and secure our redis setup from an unauthorized access. </p> Install Redis without Root 2018-08-08T19:02:36.603430Z 2018-08-04T08:14:36.247453Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you want to install redis on Linux machine but do not have an administrative access (root access) then you can follow this installation guide. This setup will work on all linux distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, Debian, Raspbian etc. This will also work on Mac as it does not make use of packet managers for installation. If you are windows users then please check <a href="/35/install-redis-windows/" title="Setup Redis on Windows with non Admin access" >redis windows installation without admin access</a>. Install Redis on Windows without Administrator Privilege 2018-08-04T09:34:17.407308Z 2018-06-27T17:14:43.588391Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you do not have Administrator access on your windows machine but want to run redis server locally then follow this guide and get started with installation of redis server and client using command line. If you are linux users then check <a href="/40/redis-without-root/" title="Setup Redis on Linux without Sudoing Root">how to install redis without root access.</a></p> <ol>