Recent Windows Posts from Tech Monger :///feeds/windows/ 2021-04-30T17:03:17.691104Z Werkzeug Generate Executable Binary From Python Program - Pyinstaller 2021-04-30T17:03:17.691104Z 2021-04-30T14:40:21.328054Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> As a python developer you might want to ship your code to other platforms where python interpreter is not installed. In such event you would need to rely on the binary execution. You can use <code>pyinstaller</code> to achieve your aim; where you can convert your python code to executable binary. Redis Remote Connection Configuration 2019-03-06T19:09:42.019114Z 2019-03-06T19:09:10.351904Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">If you want to access redis database from remote client or even server then you would need to configure redis to accept remote connection by binding server IP Address.</p> Password Based Authentication for Redis 2019-03-06T19:12:24.760033Z 2019-03-04T18:21:03.662040Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">By default redis server does not require password for connection but it allows configuration to <a href="/71/remote-connection/" title="Redis Remote Connection">accepts remote connections</a> which is potential security risk. If your redis server accept connections from remote client then it is of <em>utmost importance</em> to have password based authentication configured for your redis instance. Below we will check the configuration changes required to set password and secure our redis setup from an unauthorized access. </p> Github SSH Key Configuration for Login 2018-09-27T19:34:45.589487Z 2018-09-27T19:02:05.629369Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In previous post we discussed regarding an <a href="/57/git-saml-sso-login/" title="SAMS SSO : Password authentication is not available for Git operations.">issues with Github's SAML SSO Login</a> which stops developers from accessing github repositories using username and password from git command line client. Also even if authentication is working correctly, we always need to provide username and password during git operations which is not convenient while writing programmable scripts. In this tutorial we will setup SSH keys in github account and eliminate manual input of username and password completely. Personal Access Token for Github Login 2018-09-27T19:25:39.636689Z 2018-09-27T18:15:05.917922Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> When you try to access github repository from remote client or from automated program it requires you to login github account. For most use cases login with username and password works. However as we <a href="/57/git-saml-sso-login/" title="Github SAML Authentication Failure">discussed earlier</a> if you are using private github setup by your organization on enterprise cloud then your may require alternative authentication method because <abbr title="Security Assertion Markup Language">SAML</abbr> <abbr title="Single Sign On">SSO</abbr> login wont allow authentication with sso username and password. Using an alternative authentication like access token or <a href="/59/github-ssh-keys/" title="Github Login with SSH Keys">ssh keys</a> would allow you to login github repository remotely. In this tutorial we will demonstrate github login with personal access token. Github SAML SSO Login Issues - Solutions 2018-09-27T19:23:32.590730Z 2018-09-27T17:43:45.896732Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you are working for private Github business cloud setup by your organization then chances are authentication method will be <abbr title="Security Assertion Markup Language">SAML</abbr> based <abbr title="Single Sign On">SSO</abbr> Login. When you try to access github repository via git client by logging in using sso username and password you will face following issues with login. In this tutorial we will discuss issues faced during login and in <a href="#solution" title="Git SSO Login Mehods">next tutorials</a> we will overcome authentication issues by setting up an alternative authentication methods. Setup SFTP with Google Cloud 2018-08-19T16:43:33.887726Z 2018-08-19T15:00:16.044370Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> In this article we will configure <abbr title="Secure File Transfer Protocol">SFTP</abbr> connectivity between local linux machine and google cloud vm. However steps will be same for any other operating system like windows, mac etc. This article builds upon previous tutorial where we have established <a href="/43/ssh-google-vm/" title="Google Cloud - Key Based SSH Configuration">ssh connectivity between local machine and google cloud vm</a>. It is prerequisite to first establish ssh connection and then follow this tutorial. Python Command Line Execution 2018-08-01T19:24:15.182729Z 2018-08-01T19:19:12.421766Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> While writing python program you may come across situation where there is no python api or library to achieve your task but equivalent shell command exists. In this tutorial we will learn how you can embed shell commands in your python program and access standard output, error and status code generated by command execution. Install Redis on Windows without Administrator Privilege 2018-08-04T09:34:17.407308Z 2018-06-27T17:14:43.588391Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you do not have Administrator access on your windows machine but want to run redis server locally then follow this guide and get started with installation of redis server and client using command line. If you are linux users then check <a href="/40/redis-without-root/" title="Setup Redis on Linux without Sudoing Root">how to install redis without root access.</a></p> <ol> Host web site from Home without Static IP 2018-08-07T19:04:41.783407Z 2018-01-21T15:09:50.964577Z Tech Monger <p class="lead"> If you want to host web application from home computer or with raspberry pi then you can use free and open source software <a href="/20/httptunnel-working/" title="What is localtunnel and How it works">Localunnel</a>. Localtunnel is simple to use and works behind Network Address Translator (NAT) which means it does not require you to have Public IP. Nor it assumes you to have control over firewall configuration of router. In this tutorial we will demonstrate it by building simple python web application in <a href="/tag/flask/" title="Flask Tutorials">flask</a> and host it using Gunicorn. However if you have static website or dynamic web application running on Apache, NGNIX or Microsoft IIS locally then you can also follow along by directly jumping to the <a href="#expose" title="">exposing web app</a> section. Informatica - Troubleshoot long running workflows 2018-01-07T06:46:05.834325Z 2018-01-07T06:41:54.428792Z Tech Monger <p class="lead">To keep informatica server platform running smoothly it is important to identify and fix resource bottlenecks. Resource bottleneck will not only slow down other informatica workflows but also harm other applications running on the same server. In previous post we have learned to <a href="/18/long-running-workflows/" title="Check Hevay Informatica Workflows">identify time and resource consuming workflows</a>. Depending upon the environment and criticality of the workflow you can employ one of the below mean to troubleshoot identified workflows.</p>