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Rebuild Informatica Admin Console

If you are unable to get login window at your admin console url or if you are getting 404 error like below then you have broken admin console. To fix this issue you would need to rebuild admin console from scratch by performing informatica tomcat cleanup.

HTTP Status 404 - /administrator/
type Status report

message /administrator/

description The requested resource is not available.

Before we begin with tomcat cleanup please ensure that issue you are facing is indeed due to broken admin console. It is very easy to confuse this issue with some other informatica domain issue.

Informatica Tomcat Cleanup

We will rebuild admin console by cleaning up an existing tomcat setup which will require us to delete all files and sub directory inside following directories except *war files.. We will need .war files to build admin console after cleanup.

Directory To be removed
$INFA_HOME/services/AdministratorConsole/webapps adminhelp, administrator, ROOT, adminconsole, monitoring, ows, passwordchange
$INFA_HOME/tomcat/webapps ROOT, coreservices, csm, adminconsole
$INFA_HOME/tomcat/temp All files and subdirectories
$INFA_HOME/tomcat/work All files and subdirectories

  1. Stop Informatica Services
  2. cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/bin
    ./ shutdown

  3. Back up existing tomcat setup
  4. Before we begin with actual cleanup we will backup existing directories so that if anything goes wrong we can restore deleted directories back.

    cd $INFA_HOME/services/AdministratorConsole/webapps
    zip -r /tmp/ *
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/webapps
    zip -r /tmp/ *
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/temp
    zip -r /tmp/ *
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/work
    zip -r /tmp/ *

  5. Cleaning Up
  6. Before you remove files make sure that no .war file is getting deleted. You can always check for war files in each directory.

    ls -l *war
    cd $INFA_HOME/services/AdministratorConsole/webapps
    rm -rf adminhelp administrator ROOT adminconsole monitoring ows passwordchange
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/webapps
    rm -rf ROOT coreservices csm adminconsole
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/work
    rm -rf *
    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/temp
    rm -rf *

  7. Rebuilding Admin Console
  8. We can rebuild tomcat setup by starting informatica service after cleanup. As long as you have war files of removed directories in place informatica will automatically rebuild admin console.

    cd $INFA_HOME/tomcat/bin
    ./ startup

Cleanup on Multiple Nodes

If you have more than one node in your informatica domain then perform cleanup on each node. Admin console is available on all nodes but it remain active on master node. If master node goes down then other node in domain startup admin console.

Note that admin console will startup on configured port (default 7000) after starting up informatica services. However admin console will take more time than usual to start up.

Tagged Under : Informatica Linux