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Identify Resource Intensive Informatica Workflows

To dignose slowness of your Informatica server you should check for workflow sessions which are running for long and consuming large amount of server resources. Checking such sessions from workflow monitor is time consuming and tedious task however you can use resource monitor on informatica server to identify heavy workflows.

Background On Workflow Process

Informatica triggers workflow using an integration service. Integration service process name is pmserver. Whenever new workflow is triggered on server by pmserver new process for that workflow gets created by the name pmdtm. In order to identify potential workflows you must look for the pmdtm processes in your resource monitor.

Resource monitoring tools

You should be able to monitor processes running on your server along with resource utilization in terms of Time, CPU (processor) and Memory (RAM).

On windows server you can monitor system resources with task manager. ctrl+alt+del.
Linux and Unix Servers
On unix like environment you should use resource monitoring programs like top or prstat.
Below we will demonstrate workflow process identification on Linux server with top. However procedure will remain same irrespective of operating system.

Identifying long running workflow with top

  1. Enter command top on server to open interactive resource monitoring.
  2. Press bto bold sorted column and running process for easier monitoring.
  3. Use shift + > and shift + < to navigate from one column to other.
  4. Press R to sort and unsort current column.
  • Get Long Running Workflow : Sort by Time+
  • Get CPU Intensive Workflow : Sort by %CPU
  • Get Memory Intensive Workflow : Sort by %MEM

Identifying all running workflow with ps

Alternatively use ps -ef and grep pmdtm to list all running workflow processes.

ps -ef | grep pmtm

Checking workflow, session and folder name

You will be able to find all details of workflow with ps command.

ps -ef | grep 'workflow-pid'

However with some operating system configurations above command may not output process arguments (workflow, session and folder name). In this event you can check process details from /proc

cat /proc/'workflow-pid'/cmdline

Windows Servers

If you have Informatica Server running on windows then you can get additional process details from task manager columns. Open task manager ctrl+alt+del and select view (select column) from menu bar and check required columns.

Mere identifying resource critical workflows is not sufficient to manage resource load on the server. In the next tutorial we will learn different methods to fix identified workflows gracefully.

Tagged Under : Informatica Linux Windows