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Forcefully Stop Active User Login Session in Informatica

When user login informatica power center clients or login via server using command line it creates active user session. However as an informatica administrator you might find yourself in a position to kill all or specific user session which are currently connected to informatica repository service. It is especially useful when when user has created write intent lock on an object and other users are not able to modify or execute that object. Also prior to taking informatica services down you might want to kill all active user sessions. You can achieve this using pmrep's KillUserConnection command.

PMREP KillUserConnection Command Options

KillUserConnection command required active pmrep connection and any one of the input arguments from the following.

Flag Explanation
-n Inforamtica username of a user whose connection has to be killed.
-a To kill connection of all users at one go.
-i Repository connection ID. You can get this id from informatica admin console.

Example - KillUserConnection

Let's say user with username LazyUser has an active connection with informatica repository and user has opened window to edit object causing write intent lock on the object. However user has left the machine without closing edit object window and hence other users are facing following error regarding write intent lock.

[REP_12990] The attempt to get a write-intent lock on the Object failed due to the following conflicting lock: User LazyUser on the computer host running the Designer obtained a write-intent lock on the object objectname.

We will kill the session of LazyUser as follows

  1. Connect to PMREP with Administrator privilege

  2. Execute KillUserConnection command by providing username (-u) of LazyUser

    killuserconnection -n LazyUser

Once user session is terminated user will get following notification for connection termination.

[REP_57269] This connection to the Repository Agent has been terminated.

Kill connection of all users connected to Informatica

  1. Connect to PMREP with Administrator privilege

  2. Execute KillUserConnection command by providing -a flag to kill all user connections in one go.

    killuserconnection  -a


Using killuserconnection informatica administrator can keep control on logged in users and can forcefully user session as part of operational requirement.

Tagged Under : Informatica PMREP