In this tutorial we will learn how to build simple user authentication mechanism in Flask without using any login extensions. It's good idea to use existing extensions however if you want more control over how user session cookies are getting handled or if you are not sure about working of an existing extensions then you can quickly roll out your own code to build something very simple. We will make use of Flask-SqlAlchemy to read and write into the database.
Application Structure
- User DB - Store user details inside sqlite database.
- Sign Up Form - Creating new users.
- Login Form - User Login.
- Home Page - Home page for authorized users.
- Logout route - To logout users by removing cookie.
You can follow complete tutorial or directly jump into the python code. At the end of the tutorial we will push working code on github.
User Database
We will create authentication database auth.db
in Sqlite with single table User
. This table will have following three columns.
Column | Description |
uid (pk) | Integer primary key for each user. |
username (unique) | String username with unique constraint assigned to it |
pass_hash | String to store password hash of user password |
We will create auth.db
with following User
model using Flask Sqlalchemy.
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////auth.db'
class User(db.Model):
uid = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(100), unique=True, nullable=False)
pass_hash = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return '' % self.username
Create empty db with User table
We will create following three jinja2
templates to serve html pages.
Signup Form
Login Form
User Home Page
Simple Hello User page for authorized user with logout link.
<h2>Hello {{username.title()}}</h2> <p><a href="{{ url_for('logout', username=username) }}">Logout</a></p>
Login App with Flask Session
- We will authenticate user on login and store session cookie for user's session.
- This session cookie will set value username equal to True. For example if Bob logs in successfully then we will store
. - For subsequent requests from Bob we will check value of
. We will only allow Bob to access his home page if value isTrue
. - If there is no Bob cookie or Bob cookie with Value other than True then will abort request with
HTTP 401
. - Upon logout we will remove Bob's session cookie.
If you don't want to expose Username inside cookie then you can store some other unique value for the user.
Required Imports
- We would need following imports from
Note that we have also imported functionsgenerate_password_hash
from werkzeug's security module to store hashed user passwords in database securely.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, redirect, flash, \ session, abort from flask_sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy, SQLAlchemy from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
Application Secret Key
To make use of flask session and message flashing we set application secret key. It is of paramount importance to configure strong secret key for the security of the application. Flask will make use of this key to sign session cookies.
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'configure strong secret key here'
We will build following four flask routes for signup, login, user home page and logout.
- Signup
This route will allow new user to register an account. Note that how it's making use of
to store hashed password into database. It will existing username in database and flash message. Once user is created it will redirect user to login page.@app.route("/signup/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def signup(): if request.method == "POST": username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if not (username and password): flash("Username or Password cannot be empty") return redirect(url_for('signup')) else: username = username.strip() password = password.strip() # Returns salted pwd hash in format : method$salt$hashedvalue hashed_pwd = generate_password_hash(password, 'sha256') new_user = User(username=username, pass_hash=hashed_pwd) db.session.add(new_user) try: db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: flash("Username {u} is not available.".format(u=username)) return redirect(url_for('signup')) flash("User account has been created.") return redirect(url_for("login")) return render_template("signup.html")
- Login
This route will serve login page for User. It will accept Username and Password in plaintext. Using
it will check plaintext password with hashed value stored in database. If hash value matches then it will store session cookie withsession[username] = True
.@app.route("/login/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): if request.method == "POST": username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] if not (username and password): flash("Username or Password cannot be empty.") return redirect(url_for('login')) else: username = username.strip() password = password.strip() user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user and check_password_hash(user.pass_hash, password): session[username] = True return redirect(url_for("user_home", username=username)) else: flash("Invalid username or password.") return render_template("login_form.html")
- User Home
If user is successfully logged in then it should have session cookie for it's username with value
. This route will check that value and show user it's home page. It will abort request with401
for the request with invalid cookie.@app.route("/user/< username>/") def user_home(username): if not session.get(username): abort(401) return render_template("user_home.html", username=username)
- Logout
This route will get invoked when user logs out of the application. It will remove existing user session cookie.
@app.route("/logout/< username>") def logout(username): session.pop(username, None) flash("successfully logged out.") return redirect(url_for('login'))
- Signup
Security Caveats
- Always use HTTPS for deployment to serve cookies securely.
- Test application locally with HTTPS before deployment.
- Consider setting expiry date on cookie as flask does not set expiry date on the cookie by default. With flask defaults Session will be expired once browser is closed.
- Never store any sensitive information inside cookie. In an event of compromise flask session cookie can be easily decoded.
- Configure strong application secret before making use of flask's session.
- Use CSRF tokens on forms to prevent cross site request forgery.
We can build simple user authentication using flask's session to gain more control on user's session cookie. If you want to build complex system then you can consider using flask's user management extensions. We have pushed working source code of simple login application on github. Feel free to use it in your projects. If you want to create single user login system without database then learn how HTTP Basic Access Authentication works and implement it in flask.