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Github Key Based Alternative Authentication

In previous post we discussed regarding an issues with Github's SAML SSO Login which stops developers from accessing github repositories using username and password from git command line client. Also even if authentication is working correctly, we always need to provide username and password during git operations which is not convenient while writing programmable scripts. In this tutorial we will setup SSH keys in github account and eliminate manual input of username and password completely.


Generate SSH Keys for Github


If you are running winnows then you should use git bash client to generate ssh keys for pairing with github account. We assume that you have installed github client for windows and have access to git bash shell.

  1. Create directory to hold ssh keys that will be generated during following steps. Directory location can be anything of your choice. We will create directory with name sshat location C:\Users\techmonger\ssh to hold ssh keys.
  2. Open git-bash and generate ssh keys inside above directory using ssh-keygen.
    $ ssh-keygen
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/techmonger/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in C:\\Users\\techmonger\\ssh\\id_rsa_github
    Your public key has been saved in C:\\Users\\techmonger\\ssh\\

    You can keep the passphrase empty during key creation.

  3. Above will generate two key files, id_rsa_github will be private key and will be public key.

Once ssh keys are generated as above, head towards configuring keys.

Linux / Mac

If you are running github client on the unix like operating system then you can generate ssh keys inside your home directory. We will generate ssh keys inside /home/techmonger/.ssh

Note that generating new key inside /home/techmonger/.ssh will override existing ssh keys. To avoid this issue create new ssh key specifically for the github ( or use existing ssh key.

$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/techmonger/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/techmonger/.ssh/id_rsa_github.
Your public key has been saved in /home/techmonger/.ssh/

You can keep the passphrase empty during key creation.

Configuring SSH Keys in Github Account

  1. Open generated in text editor like notepad or vim and copy the public key content present inside it on the clipboard.
  2. Open GitHub account in browser and move to SettingsSSH and GPG keys and click on Add SSH Key. Provide meaningful name for the key and add the public key content inside Key box.
    New SSH Keys in Github
    Configure SSH Keys with Github Account
  3. Once public key is added in github account, add private key at github command line client. Open github bash in Windows or command line terminal in Linux or Mac to add private ssh key (id_rsa_github) like below.
    $  ssh-add C:\\Users\\techmonger\\ssh\\id_rsa_github
    Identity added: C:\\Users\\techmonger\\ssh\\id_rsa_github
    Linux / Mac
    $  ssh-add /home/techmonger/.ssh/id_rsa_github
    Identity added:  /home/techmonger/.ssh/id_rsa_github
  4. Check ssh connection by authenticating with following command.
    $  ssh -T
    Hi techmonger! 
    You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Connect to remote repository using SSH.

Once ssh keys are correctly configured you can authenticate against github using ssh keys. For example to clone remote repository code locally you can use following command.

$  git clone


We have successfully configured and connected to gituhub using ssh keys. This eliminated need of providing username and password while making connection from github client. You can also configure personal access token and connect to repository without providing actual password.

Tagged Under : Git Github Linux Windows